Tonight, I am 'taste-testing' what will be in the shares for tomorrow. I just threw everything into a stir fry. I LOVE stir frys. They require almost no thought, you just throw in whatever random veggies you have around, and it always tastes delicious! Tonite, it was a base of home grown turkey from the freezer, with kale, arugula, green garlic, basil, and purple sprouting broccoli. Scrumptious!
I lost a couple of early crops due to the biggest slug infestation EVER. I have declared war on slugs. I will prevail, even if it kills me! Sometimes, I will go out just after a rain, and easily pick up over 1000 of the beasties. Gross.
I am still planting like mad, as it's only just warmed up this week. I've got in 400 of my 1200 tomato plants so far, and am working on the cuc's and zucc's and canteloupe, and other yummy things. I ran out of garden space the other day, so I am also working on making new gardens, and planting as I go. The only stumbling block is collecting enough cardboard to lay down on the grass and weeds, before I make my new lasagna beds. I'm determined to just keep plugging away at it, and hopefully everything will get planted on time.