Shares this week:
Spicy mesculin $6
Arugula $2
Beet Greens (bull's blood) $3
Snap Peas (little sweetie) $2
Podded peas (little marvel) $4
Fava beans $4
Total $21
Guess what's for dinner tonight? A big, honkin' salad with all of the above...!!!
Boots 'n' Roots Permaculture Farm |
The shares are finally starting to grow a bit in size and variety! Can't wait until the later crops become ready. I ate my first little tomato yesterday, so things are growing right along!!
Shares this week: Spicy mesculin $6 Arugula $2 Beet Greens (bull's blood) $3 Snap Peas (little sweetie) $2 Podded peas (little marvel) $4 Fava beans $4 Total $21 Guess what's for dinner tonight? A big, honkin' salad with all of the above...!!!
We have finally had some heat, and the gardens are really starting to come along well. Now, we need rain... We seem to always get too much rain, or too little rain, but never 'just right' rain. I feel like Goldilocks in rain land...!!
I come from a family who ate good, healthy, traditional type meals, but nothing really creative. Just your regular fare. As a result, I had never tasted Kale until about 6 months ago, I have never had a fresh squash or zucchini from the garden, and until last night, I had never, ever tasted a fava bean. Last night was my first night to harvest some from my garden. Then, I found myself in a dilhemma. I had no idea how to prepare fava beans! I did some research, and found this fabulous site- tells you when/how to harvest, and a zillion ways to prepare all your veggies. I can't wait until more things mature, so I can harvest and try some of the recipes out! Check it out! Especially you CSA members... although, I think my members know more about the veggies than I do;-)! Well, we had our flyball workshop at the farm yesterday. It was AWESOME! Flyball (or doing any sport, really) is all about building that all-important relationship with your dog. Joanne really opened a lot of eyes yesterday! From eye contact, to learning how to play tuggy with your dog, to restraint recalls. The dogs are well on their way to learning how to zoom down those flyball lanes...
It looks like we have enough interest that Jo will be coming up this way once or twice a month for flyball lessons. This was the goal! To get more people interested and excited about this way-fun sport, so we can do it up here in the Cowichan Valley, instead of having to travel to Victoria all the time. Who knows.... maybe someone will get so addicted to the sport, they will start their own team up this way! Now that would be exciting! Anyone interested in joining in classes.... be sure to shoot me an email. As soon as I have prices and details, I will let everyone know. At this point, it's not a huge commitment, just a couple of hours once or twice a month. You will be amazed at the changes your dogs go through as they learn! [email protected] There was also a bit of extra excitement when a helicopter landed in my neighbour's field, just a couple of hundred yards away to pick someone up. That was new.... never seen that before! Oops... I forgot to update the shares last week! My bad.
This weeks shares: Mesculin $6 snap peas $2 arugula $2 spearmint $1 Total: $11 Last weeks' shares Mesculin $6 arugula $2 beet greens $3 snap peas $2 Total $13 Busy, busy week! Hardly any time to update the blog!
Shares this week: Mesculin beet greens (should be wilted or flash cooked for best nutrition) arugula snap peas. I am going away this week. I have NEVER left my business since I opened... it is a terrifying prospect! Luckily, I have some great people coming in to care for the dogs for the 4 days I am away. Honestly, I think organizing taking days off is way more work than just working 7 days a week! I am off to the AAC Agility Regionals in Abbotsford with my little rocket dog, Reckless. I'm not certain we are ready for this yet, but I'm going all for the experience, and to give Reckless the experience of a new venue and atmosphere. Should be fun, regardless of how we do!
Because I am going away, I've been getting my CSA shares ready a day early. Thankfully, all my members are very understanding, and will be coming to pick up the shares this evening. This week: mild mesculin pea shoots (sounds strange, but this is my new favourite veggie... it's scrumptious!!) chives peppermint Also, we are supposed to get some sun soon, so maybe things will start growing again, and my shares won't be so little!! I know I haven't updated the blog for quite some time, I apologize for my negiligence! Things have been crazy busy on the Crazy Dog Farm lately.
BUT, today is a landmark day. Today I picked my very first CSA shares that go out this evening. I am so excited! I was worried, as the weather lately has been cold, wet, rainy, and even rainier. Nothing is growing, but somehow I found several little treasures in the garden. My first shares are as follows: Spicy mesculin mix radishes green garlic parsley spearmint As we get a bit of sun here and there, and the weather (hopefully) warms up, the shares will grow in size and variety. I have been planting daily, and will keep planting right through August, for fall crops, and early spring crops. What I plant this summer will expand my shares for next year, and for earlier in the spring. It is such a satisfying feeling, growing what you eat! |
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May 2012